Welcome to the /r/FanFiction Discord! Established in 2016, and going strong ever since, we’re here to provide Fanwork creators and readers a place to mingle, brainstorm and find other likeminded people.
Why you should join us:
- We’re active! And with you we’d be even more active!
- Writing events! Yes. We write. It’s hard.
- We’re inclusive and strive for a welcoming environment for all.
- Get help with your writing. Because it’s hard.
- Find readers.
Make friends for life.
Before I came here I could barely write a sentence, and after joining the community helped me become the long-fic writer of my dreams! – Ama
People on this server are so nice that they let me talk about Wesker constantly and never tell me to shut up. –Rob

Must adhere to the Discord TOS and be above 13 years old.
No aggression, hostility, trolling, stereotyping or personal attacks are tolerated.
Political discussions are only allowed in a writing context. See #agree_to_disagree rules for details.
We are a diverse crowd of groups, nationalities, personalities and so on, and we expect all our members to be respectful at all times.
This includes hostility towards, and bashing of, fandoms and genres. Tasteful criticism is welcome, but sweeping negative statements are not.
No sexualization of minors or linking to content that sexualizes minors, whether fictional, cartoon, “but they’re really 700 years old”, yourself, or otherwise.
Sexualization of minors is a violation not only of our server rules but of the Discord ToS.
This does not include mentioning that teenagers sometimes have sex (with each other), nor does it include when characters are clearly aged up into adults.
Warn and/or spoiler for discussions of sensitive topics (including, but not limited to, common triggers/squicks and recent spoilers) in conversation in all channels, including gore.
Surround links in < > and/or use Discord’s spoiler functioanlity to prevent it from embedding a preview. For more details, see our Content Warning Guidelines.
We are not strictly SFW, though we ask that strong NSFW content stay in #smut_talk. Don’t attach or direct link pornographic content in our lobbies.
No endorsement or encouraging of piracy.
Do not post links to unsanctioned distribution of copywritten media or artist content. This includes things such as pirated or re-uploaded movies, games, music, or books. This also includes fanfiction archives that have been generated via scraping legitimate archives such as A03/FFN and re-uploading content without the owner’s permission.
While we encourage you to share (links, gifs, images, …), we prefer that it go in the appropriate sharing channels or the fandom buckets. Embeds are disabled in the general channels.
When linking to potentially sensitive content, please prevent embeds by wrapping the link in < >
or with Discord’s spoiler function.
All memes go into #undank_memes.
No direct links to monetarized content.
No linking to personal sales of items or services, to Patreon, Ko-Fi, or other donation/funding sites.
As long as it is not the sole purpose of the link, linking to a blog or a personal website where the above are mentioned or can be further found is permitted.
We follow a similar approach to AO3’s “No Commerce” rule, although you are allowed to talk about your commercial projects in our channels, as long as you have a history of actively engaging with the community as a whole.
Keep conversations topic appropriate to the channel and move it to a more appropriate one if required or prompted by staff.
All rules apply in voice chat as well. If you are being hostile or making others uncomfortable, or if the mods are receiving complaints, you run the risk of having your voice chat permissions revoked.
We understand the world can be stressful, but we ask that discussions of significant pressures (political tension, general upheaval, Covid, etc) are left at the door. Or, if you are personally affected by an event and need to vent, at least restrict them to #pillow_pile.

Chat Lobbies
#General, #Generally, and #Gen3ral
We have three chat lobbies where we talk about anything from writing to how we’ve colour coded our socks today, or share and celebrate our latest fan fiction milestones.
These lobbies are not considered 100% sfw, although we do expect people to warn for external links and to disable image previews if the content may be nsfw.
#Fandom Buckets
The fandom bucket channels are here to give everyone room to flail and chat about their favourite fandoms, whether that is the media itself, or fan content. Details about them can be found further down in the channel guidelines.
Read the pins! Pillow Pile here if you need a hug, a cookie, or just want to scream into a pillow. Though keep our guidelines around emotionally taxing content in mind, as we are here to enjoy each others company, and are unable to provide you with professional psychological assistance.
The Park
Events, activities, and pop up channels.
An event channel that will be opened whenever a Snippets session is being run.
The Park category hosts all sorts of pop up channels, from #writing-memes to the #jukebox and who knows what else.
You’ll also see event channels pop up there.
Rubber Ducking (Brainstorming)
We gotchu covered.
#Writing-And-Plothelp and #Wip-Kitchen
Our two main WIP channels are for generally discussing the state of your work in progress. (See what we did there? Huh? HUH?) Crack down on a knotted plot, brainstorm with us, or have us pick apart a paragraph for you.
Give the previous member at least 10 minutes before adding your own question or musings to the pile.
Writing Help & Research
This is where you bring your ailing paragraphs to have them grammer, and spell cheked. Or if you need a word and can’t get Thesaurus.com to spit one out.
Get help with tags, summaries, genres, ratings, and all sorts of other meta stuff. No, not the meta-verse.
Read the pins! If you’re willing to commit yourself a little more, then this is where you get to interact with your fellow writers to find things to read and review and to offer up your beta services.
This is not a “drop fic in here and leave” place, but somewhere where we expect mutual engagement from our members.
A channel to discuss more controversial topics related to fanfiction. We may rarely direct other discussions if a topic is not suited for any other lobbies. Approach a moderator for access.
See #agree_to_disagree rules for details.
Read the pins! Our hidden 18+ channel for those that are 18+ meant for the discussion of smut fic and writing smut.
Our server-wide rules still apply. Rule 2 (no sexualisation of minors) will be enforced with zero tolerance and result in a kick. Approach a moderator for access.
An opt-in channel where you are free to discuss explicit gore topics. To get access, head over to #roles and assign yourself the role.
Media Sharing
So about those memes and my pile of YouTube videos of cute kittens?!
Any media (videos, images, blogs, etc…) not relevant to a discussion in our lobbies is expected to go in there.
Share your food pictures, your recipes, and really anything you’d like that fits under the food umbrella.
Pets. Pets. Pets. Your dogs, your cats, your crawlies. Every family pet is welcome. But please be mindful of common phobias and spoiler out critters such as spiders and snakes.
All memes go into #undank_memes. All. All.
Remember our core rules though. Just because it is a meme doesn’t mean it is allowed to break the rules (hostility, racism, sexism, etc – you know the drill).
Sharing Channels
Applies to all: Be descriptive.
A simple link will hardly draw the eye, and we like to know what we are getting into. Giving us the Fandom, the genre and rating, as well as a brief summary, will be appreciated. Check the pins for details.
Anything up to Teen (K+, T, PG-13)
M to Explict. Tag content appropriately.
For anything from other authors that you want to recommend.
Leave information about your fanfiction account there, in case people want to flood you with kudos/follows.
If you’re a Server Booster, go ahead and link two of your fics in here! Feel free to swap them out whenever you feel the need.
Your first stop for promoting any work not related to fanfiction, such as your cooking blog, your twitch channel, or youtube playlists, or even a friendly neighbourhood Discord Server. No direct links to monetarization, such as Patreon or Ko-Fi.
Share art you’ve drawn yourself or had drawn for you. Can be for your fic, your original work, or just something neat you’ve drawn and want to share. No fandom spam though. This is not tumblr.
On critique: No critique unless the poster specifically asked for it.
A spoiler rich environment for topics in popular media. Join the fun by claiming the @Spoilers role.
Do so by heading to #roles and assigning yourself the role.
The category includes one permanent channel.
In here we discuss:
- New episodes of popular TV shows
- New episodes of popular anime
- A recent movie release
- A fresh game
- Book publications
Tired of writing alone?
Read the pins! This is where Sprinto lives. It’s a place to discuss, start, and participate in all the fic-writing challenges you can dream of. Writing sprints are also held here: a competition to write the most amount of words in a set period of time. We have a separate role available that you can add yourself to, making it easy for people to ping you if they are looking to sprint.
This is a submission-based channel (mildly moderated), meant to provide our user base with an opportunity to leave and find prompts. It will also include staff run prompts, cross-posted on our parent Reddit. Check the pins in the channel for guidelines.
Writing Resources
Resources curated by our members.
Read the pins! A resource library for writing related resources.
Read the pins! A resource library for 18+ writing related resources. Please read the pins!
An archive of the workshops we have hosted, including presentations and recordings.
What Else?
Here we greet new users and make sure they’re real people. (This is the only channel new users can post to before they are assigned the fanfictionado role.)
A way to participate in voice chat when you don’t have a microphone, as well as to communicate things that can’t otherwise be said. Please don’t use it to spam memes or unrelated media. We have other channels for that.
Play with the bot here, like spamming your .choose commands.